8486 John Pectol Road, Georgetown, IN (2024)

{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}

{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"You Bid" | translate }}

{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Passed" | translate }}

{{ ::"Withdrawn" | translate }}

{{ ::"Lost" | translate }}

{{ ::"Sold" | translate }}

{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Ended" | translate }}

{{ ::"Won" | translate }}

{{ ::"Purchased" | translate }}

{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Pending" | translate | uppercase }}

{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Highest Bid" | translate | uppercase }}

{{ ::"Pending" | translate }}

{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

Group Details

({{ LotService.buyersPremium(lot, LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid) | price:lot.currency_code }} INCL BP) ({{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }} INCL BP)

{{ "Delete" | translate }}

{{ ::"Delete Bid?" | translate }}


{{bid|price:null}} ({{ LotService.buyersPremium(lot, bid) | price:lot.currency_code }} INCL BP)

- Or -


{{ ::"Delete Bid?" | translate }}

{{ lot.minimum_autosell_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ lot.currency_sign}}


{{ bid | price:null }} ({{ LotService.buyersPremium(lot, bid) | price:lot.currency_code }} INCL BP)

{{ ::"Delete Bid?" | translate }}

{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}

{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Starting Bid:" | translate}}

{{lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ "Starting Bid" | translate}}: {{ lot.starting_price | price:(lot.currency_code) }}

{{ ::"Reserve not met" | translate }}

{{ ::"Est." | translate }}

{{ currency.currency_code }} {{ ['USD','CAD'].indexOf(currency.currency_code) > -1 ? '$': ''}}{{ lot.estimate_low ? ( convertCurrency(lot.estimate_low, lot.auction.currency_code, currency.currency_code, viewVars.lotCurrencies.result_page) | price : null : null ) : '' }} {{ (lot.estimate_low && lot.estimate_high)?'-':'' }}{{ lot.estimate_high ? ( convertCurrency(lot.estimate_high, lot.auction.currency_code, currency.currency_code, viewVars.lotCurrencies.result_page) | price : null : null ) : '' }}

{{ lot.estimate_low?(lot.estimate_low | price:(lot.currency_code)):''}}- {{ lot.estimate_high?(lot.estimate_high | price:(lot.currency_code)):''}}

| {{ ::"Reserve" | translate }}: {{ lot.reserve_price | price:(lot.currency_code)}} {{ lot.reserve_met==false ? (::"(not met)" | translate) : '' }}

Bids: {{lot.live_bid_timed_count}}

Bids: {{lot.live_bid_timed_count}}

{{ ::"Current Bid" | translate }}

{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

({{lot.live_bid_timed_count}} bid{{(lot.live_bid_timed_count != 1) ? 's' : ''}})

{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}

{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Winning" | translate }}

{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

(-{{ lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }} from your Deposit Balance)

({{ :: "Max:" | translate }}

{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }})

{{ ::"Winning" | translate }}

{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }} |

(-{{ lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }} from your Deposit Balance)

({{ :: "Max:" | translate }}

{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }})

{{ ::"Outbid" | translate }} |

{{ ::"Outbid" | translate }}

{{ ::"You Bid" | translate }}: {{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }} x {{ lot.quantity }} = {{ LotService.calculateTotalBidCost(lot, LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid) | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Current Bid" | translate }}

{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

({{lot.live_bid_timed_count}} bid{{(lot.live_bid_timed_count != 1) ? 's' : ''}})

{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}

{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Lost" | translate }}

{{ ::"Sold" | translate }}

{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ "Highest Bid" | translate }} {{ "Pending" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ "Pending" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotOrGroupSoldPrice(lot) }}

{{ ::"Ended" | translate }}

{{ ::"Won" | translate }}

{{ ::"Purchased" | translate }}

{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

({{ LotService.buyersPremium(lot, LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid) | price:lot.currency_code }} INCL BP) ({{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }} INCL BP)

{{ "Delete" | translate }}

{{ ::"Delete Bid?" | translate }}


{{bid|price:null}} ({{ LotService.buyersPremium(lot, bid) | price:lot.currency_code }} INCL BP)

- Or -


{{ ::"Delete Bid?" | translate }}

{{ lot.minimum_autosell_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ lot.currency_sign}}


{{ bid | price:null }} ({{ LotService.buyersPremium(lot, bid) | price:lot.currency_code }} INCL BP)

{{ ::"Delete Bid?" | translate }}

{{ ::"Place Bid" | translate }} {{ ::"Edit Bid" | translate }}

{{ ::"Place Bid" | translate }} {{ ::"Jump the Bid" | translate }} {{ ::"Edit Bid" | translate }}

8486 John Pectol Road, Georgetown, IN (1)

{{ WMService.hasProduct('realEstateHybrid') === false ? (((viewVars.currentRouteName == 'live-auction-mobile' && viewVars.brand == 'n4-dorotheum') ? 'Lot No' : 'Lot') | translate) : ("Item" | translate) }} {{lot.lot_number}}{{lot.lot_number_extension}} {{lot.lot_symbols}}


{{ "Starting Bid" | translate}}: {{ lot.starting_price | price:(lot.currency_code) }}

{{ ::"Reserve not met" | translate }}

{{ ::"Estimate:" | translate }}

{{ currency.currency_code }} {{ ['USD','CAD'].indexOf(currency.currency_code) > -1 ? '$': ''}}{{ lot.estimate_low ? ( convertCurrency(lot.estimate_low, lot.auction.currency_code, currency.currency_code, viewVars.lotCurrencies.result_page) | price : null : null ) : '' }} {{ (lot.estimate_low && lot.estimate_high)?'-':'' }}{{ lot.estimate_high ? ( convertCurrency(lot.estimate_high, lot.auction.currency_code, currency.currency_code, viewVars.lotCurrencies.result_page) | price : null : null ) : '' }}

{{ lot.estimate_low?(lot.estimate_low | price:(lot.currency_code)):''}}- {{ lot.estimate_high?(lot.estimate_high | price:(lot.currency_code)):''}}

| {{ ::"Reserve" | translate }}: {{ lot.reserve_price | price:(lot.currency_code)}} {{ lot.reserve_met==false ? (::"(not met)" | translate) : '' }}

Bids: {{lot.live_bid_timed_count}}

Bids: {{lot.live_bid_timed_count}}

{{ 'Lot Is Closed' | translate }}

{{days!=0?(days+'d '):''}}{{(days != 0 || hours != 0)?(hours+'h '):''}}{{minutes}}m {{seconds}}s

{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}

{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"You Bid" | translate }}

{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Passed" | translate }}

{{ ::"Withdrawn" | translate }}

{{ ::"Lost" | translate }}

{{ ::"Sold" | translate }}

{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Ended" | translate }}

{{ ::"Won" | translate }}

{{ ::"Purchased" | translate }}

{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Pending" | translate | uppercase }}

{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Highest Bid" | translate | uppercase }}

{{ ::"Pending" | translate }}

{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

Group Details

{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}

{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Starting Bid:" | translate}}

{{lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ "Starting Bid" | translate}}: {{ lot.starting_price | price:(lot.currency_code) }}

{{ ::"Reserve not met" | translate }}

{{ ::"Est." | translate }}

{{ currency.currency_code }} {{ ['USD','CAD'].indexOf(currency.currency_code) > -1 ? '$': ''}}{{ lot.estimate_low ? ( convertCurrency(lot.estimate_low, lot.auction.currency_code, currency.currency_code, viewVars.lotCurrencies.result_page) | price : null : null ) : '' }} {{ (lot.estimate_low && lot.estimate_high)?'-':'' }}{{ lot.estimate_high ? ( convertCurrency(lot.estimate_high, lot.auction.currency_code, currency.currency_code, viewVars.lotCurrencies.result_page) | price : null : null ) : '' }}

{{ lot.estimate_low?(lot.estimate_low | price:(lot.currency_code)):''}}- {{ lot.estimate_high?(lot.estimate_high | price:(lot.currency_code)):''}}

| {{ ::"Reserve" | translate }}: {{ lot.reserve_price | price:(lot.currency_code)}} {{ lot.reserve_met==false ? (::"(not met)" | translate) : '' }}

Bids: {{lot.live_bid_timed_count}}

Bids: {{lot.live_bid_timed_count}}

{{ ::"Current Bid" | translate }}

{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

({{lot.live_bid_timed_count}} bid{{(lot.live_bid_timed_count != 1) ? 's' : ''}})

{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}

{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Winning" | translate }}

{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

(-{{ lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }} from your Deposit Balance)

({{ :: "Max:" | translate }}

{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }})

{{ ::"Winning" | translate }}

{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }} |

(-{{ lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }} from your Deposit Balance)

({{ :: "Max:" | translate }}

{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }})

{{ ::"Outbid" | translate }} |

{{ ::"Outbid" | translate }}

{{ ::"You Bid" | translate }}: {{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }} x {{ lot.quantity }} = {{ LotService.calculateTotalBidCost(lot, LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid) | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Current Bid" | translate }}

{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

({{lot.live_bid_timed_count}} bid{{(lot.live_bid_timed_count != 1) ? 's' : ''}})

{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}

{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ ::"Lost" | translate }}

{{ ::"Sold" | translate }}

{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ "Highest Bid" | translate }} {{ "Pending" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ "Pending" | translate }} {{ LotService.lotOrGroupSoldPrice(lot) }}

{{ ::"Ended" | translate }}

{{ ::"Won" | translate }}

{{ ::"Purchased" | translate }}

{{ LotService.lotSoldPrice(lot)|price:lot.currency_code }}

{{ "Enter Max Bid" | translate }}

{{ ::"Min." | translate }} {{ LotService.bidSuggestions(lot,1)[0] | price:lot.currency_code }} ({{ LotService.buyersPremium(lot, LotService.bidSuggestions(lot,1)[0]) | price:lot.currency_code }} INCL BP) ({{lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }} INCL BP)

{{ "The system will automatically bid for you." | translate }}

{{ "How high should the current bid be raised?" | translate }}

({{ ::"Min." | translate }} {{ LotService.bidSuggestions(lot,1)[0] | price:lot.currency_code }})

{{ "Let other bidders know you are serious about this item and instantly raise the current bid to a higher amount." | translate }}

{{ (viewVars.currentRouteName == 'live-auction-mobile' && viewVars.brand == 'n4-dorotheum') ? lot.currency_code : lot.currency_sign }}


{{ bid | price:null }} ({{ LotService.buyersPremium(lot, bid) | price:lot.currency_code }} INCL BP)

8486 John Pectol Road, Georgetown, IN (2024)


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Article information

Author: Aron Pacocha

Last Updated:

Views: 5565

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.