Heart of a Hero - Chapter 12 - DasChillyOne (2024)

Chapter Text

A/N: And today I officially get to add Totally Spies to the list of crossover series, on AO3 at least since FFN doesn't allow multiple crossovers to be tagged. This is also the first wholly original chapter, with no connection to the plot of the original episode in its place! As for why we aren't tackling Teacher of the Year, with Technus being an ally in this universe, he's not going to try and take over the world through a video game. This version of Danny also has a better grasp on his schoolwork so he didn't need Lancer's intervention. I did keep this one video game themed though, because everyone in this crossover has a video game episode! Danny has Teacher of the Year, Kim has Virtu-Ron, and the Spies have Game Girls. Anyway, the other news I have to mention is that Totally Spies recently got season 8 confirmed, so I guess maybe we can dedicate this chapter to that. (Although this story and the idea of adding the Spies in came before I knew that Season 7 was being released so...) On with the chapter!

Amity Park was doing it's best to hold onto the last vestiges of Summer, with an unseasonable heat wave driving it's way through Silver County, causing the mid-October weather to be doing a passable impersonation of August. As Danny, Star, and Kim entered the Amity Park mall though, the cool air conditioning felt like a godsend.

"Oh, that feels nice." Star said, fanning herself with her free hand. "Why does it have to be so hot? I'm ready for Fall weather! I want my fur boots and my pumpkin spice! Not this heatwave!"

"We'll just have to deal, you know how the weather gets. I'm sure next week we'll have a massive cold front from Canada and we'll be begging for it to warm up." Danny said, shooting a smile to his blonde girlfriend.

"Yeah Star, besides, the amount of sugar that goes into those pumpkin spice lattes is not good for you." Kim said.

"But they taste so good though!" Star whined as they continued their path through the mall. "It's not fair that they're bad for you."

"It's how the cookie crumbles unfortunately." Danny said, glancing around a bit. "We've got about twenty minutes before we have to go to the food court to meet the others. Did you want to check out any stores?"

"Yeah, could we stop by that game store? The Tweebs' birthday is coming up and I need to get them something." Kim said. They might annoy her to death, but they are her brothers, so she wanted to get them something.

"Oh, good shot. I should probably get them something too. Need to be good to my future brothers-in-law." Danny said with a grin. The trio laughed as they made their way to the game store, but were surprised when they saw the massive crowd.

"Looks like a rock concert in there, what's going on?" Kim wondered aloud.

Danny walked up and tapped one of the people in the crowd on the shoulder. "What's got everyone so excited?"

"Haven't you heard? This cool new game called Mindhacker just dropped and everyone's dying for a copy! Their download servers are completely swamped so everyone's trying to get physical copies!" The pimply-faced boy said, before turning his attention back as he tried to fight through the crowd.

Danny glanced in the window of the store, seeing a sign for the game in question. The sign made it seem like it was a retrowave styled open world game, with the tagline: "Control the Game, Control the Mind".

Stepping back, Danny said to Kim. "Looks like we won't be getting in there anytime soon."

"You're right, I'm not fighting those crowds." Kim said, warily eyeing the mob.

"Is this normal for game releases Danny? I'm not familiar with stuff like this." Star asked.

"Not like this. A bunch of people queuing up to buy a popular game on day 1 isn't unheard of, but this pushes that boundary WAY farther than normal." Danny said. "Guess we'll head to the food court. Kim and I can just buy her brothers something another day."

The trio made their way to the food court, where they saw their other friends sat at one of the tables. Tucker, Sam, and Ron were all staring at their phones, while Valerie sat drinking a smoothie.

"Hey guys! So what's the plan?" Danny asked as the three of them sat down. Tucker, Sam, and Ron put a hand up and waved, but continued staring at their phones.

"That's what I'd like to know, these three have been glued to their phones since we got here." Valerie asked, waving her hand in front of Tucker's face. "Tucker recommended these two download that new Mindhacker game and they've been out of commission ever since."

Danny got up and waved his hand in front of Sam's face, while Kim did the same to Ron. Neither of them gave any response.

"This is definitely not normal." Kim said, as she tried to pull Ron's phone from his grip. It wouldn't budge. "Rufus, you in there? Think you can try and wake Ron up?"

The naked mole rat popped out from Ron's pocket, making his way to Ron's shoulder. With a throat clearing, Rufus screamed into Ron's ear, but was ignored. "Nope. Sorry." The mole rat said, pulling on Ron's face to try and get his attention.

"Still weird that that thing can talk." Valerie said, and Star nodded.

"You'll get used to it. Although this definitely screams super villain plot though right?" Danny asked, looking to Kim.

"Definitely, though after the Ember fiasco I'm less sure if it's one of yours or mine now." Kim said.

"What do you mean the Ember fiasco? I was out of town during that." Valerie asked.

"Ember McClain became an overnight pop icon, and turned out to be a ghost and using her ghost powers to mind control people. Danny, Star, Sam, Ron, and I took her out." Kim said.

"Where was Tucker?" Valerie asked.

"Mind controlled." Star said. "Don't hold it against him, we were only immune because of Danny's powers and some Fenton tech."

"Well, Ron was immune for some other reason, but it doesn't look like it's helping him now." Danny said, trying to pull the phone from Sam's hands. "Kim, think you can call Wade and ask if he's got any info on this Mindhacker thing?"

"On it!" Kim said, pulling out her Kimmunicator. "Hey Wade, can you do me a solid?" She asked into the screen, but the boy on the other end seemed entranced by something on the other monitor. He wasn't responding at all. "Wade's out of commission with this too."

"Great, so half of our friends are being made mind slaves by some video game, and we can't do anything to stop it?" Valerie asked.

"Well… we could call in Global Justice, Kim. This might be something they're interested in. If a video game company is literally mind controlling people, I'd argue that's a pretty big red flag." Danny suggested.

"You're right on that front. I guess it's worth a call-in." Kim said.

"What do you want Star and I to do?" Valerie asked. "We're not exactly superheroes like you two are."

"Well if it's a ghost you two will be on ghost fighting. Star's got plenty of practice in, and that suit you got a while back came back clear of any interference. It's bio-coded to you, so only you can use it." Danny said. "If it's a regular super villain though, I guess it'll just be Kim and I. Star, I'd really rather you not get tangled up in the super villain stuff. Technus was telling me about how ghosts as a whole normally abide by a no killing policy for non-ghosts. They've experienced death and don't usually want others to feel it. Super villains don't really have that."

"I get it. Thanks for trying to keep me safe Danny." Star said, kissing him on the cheek. "While you guys work on whatever this is, Val and I will make sure someone's dealing with the ghosts. Maybe I'll beat the Box Ghost on my own this time!"

"Just stay safe and stick together. Take Jazz with you if you go on patrol, the three of you all need the experience." Danny said. "Well Kim, let's make that call."


"Look, I'm telling you, Chad, the new football team captain? He's sooo into me." Clover said as she sipped on her non-fat soy latte. Clover, Alex, and Sam were sitting in their usual spot by the fountain at the Beverly Hills Mall, enjoying their weekend break from the rigors of schoolwork.

"That's the third football player this week Clover, surely not all of the boys from the team are making googly eyes at you." Sam said, tucking her long red hair behind her ear as she took a drink from her iced coffee.

"You don't even like football! Why were you at their practice anyway?" Alex asked.

"To watch the hotties obviously. Besides, what boy wouldn't want to make googly eyes at me? I'm gorgeous." Clover said, standing up and doing a modeling pose.

"Yeah right. They probably just can't stop staring at the weird beast that watches them practice." Came a nasally voice as Mandy walked past, chuckling behind her hand.

"I'll show you a beast!" Clover growled, as Sam and Alex grabbed her by her arms and held her back from attacking the black haired girl.

"Clover, she's not worth it! Just back off!" Alex said, struggling against Clover's strength. Alex considered herself the physically strongest of the three, something augmented by her athletic pursuits outside of their spy work, but Clover was pushing her to her limit, and that was WITH Sam helping her.

"Yeah, come on Clover, just drop it." Sam said, as the two managed to sit Clover back into her seat.

"Fine, but just because I don't want to ruin my nails on her stupid face." Clover said, checking over her freshly manicured nails.

"See? Not even worth it." Sam said, as the table they sat at began to shake.

"Earthquake?" Alex asked, shocked by the sudden movement.

"No, I think it's a WOOHPquake!" Sam said, as the top of the table opened up, revealing a tube that sucked the three girls in.

"Jerry really needs to get some better timing!" Clover said, as they made their way down the slide.

At the bottom, the girls landed on a circular mattress, coming out of the second O in a giant 'WOOHP' logo on the wall of the room they were in. In front of them was a taller older gentleman, with gray hair that had largely receded, and a pencil thin mustache. "Thank you for dropping in, ladies." He said, his British accent calm and collected.

"That joke's getting really old Jerry." Alex said, straightening herself up after the tumble through the tube.

"No appreciation for the classics I see." Jerry said, making his way behind the desk. "Take a look at this then girls." Jerry pulled out a remote and hit a button on it. The screen behind him shifted, revealing images of some kind of 3D video game, constructed of neon grid lines and bizarre pastel colors.

"Feeling nostalgic for 90s VR Jerry?" Sam asked, looking at it. It reminded her of a show her father had sat down and watched with her when she was little, VR Troopers.

"Not quite. What you see here is footage of a game called 'Mindhackers'. It was recently released to extreme fanfare. Despite no one seemingly able to confirm its developer or publisher, it's sold 3 million copies in the past 24 hours." Jerry said coolly.

"So? Big whoop, it's a popular video game." Clover said dismissively.

"That would be the end of it, but players have been experiencing some noteworthy side effects. Including a complete inability to put it down." Jerry said, the image cutting to a video of several people waving their hands in front of people's faces, trying to pull phones out of people's hands, and trying to remove controllers to no success.

"Freaky." Alex said, looking at it.

"Indeed, we've been contacted by an organization we would like to maintain good relations with to assist their team in understanding this crisis." Jerry said.

"Wait, we're helping someone else?" Sam asked.

"Yes, before I founded WOOHP I was a member of an organization called Global Justice. I separated as I believed that there was merit in an organization that focused more on espionage than Global Justice did, but have endeavored to maintain a positive relationship with the organization. Its current leader, Betty Director, was a former student of mine when I was teaching basic stealth. Under her leadership, Global Justice has begun a new initiative that I believe has immense promise." Jerry said. "You three are a large part of why I think that."

"What would that be Jer?" Clover asked.

"Betty has observed a number of individuals in your age group who have shown skills and abilities far beyond what we would have normally expected. You are aware I tend to place your skills as beyond many of our more veteran staff. She has two others actively working with her who are similarly accomplished, and has at least two others she believes in contacting soon. She wants to develop some kind of teenage super team to combat super villainy, when she approached me with the idea I had initially thought she was crazy, but as I've come to see how well you perform in spite of your age, I believe she has the right of it. I will not force you to join this team, but I will ask you to assist them on this mission and see if such an arrangement would be acceptable." Jerry said.

"Well Jerry, we can give it a shot if you think it'd be a good idea. You say they're our age?" Alex asked.

"From what I understand her two recruits at this time are a few months younger than you, although they are also high school freshmen. One of them has been performing missions not dissimilar to the ones you undertake for several years on her own, without the backing of an organization like WOOHP. The other has been active for less time, but deals with super-powered beings regularly. I'll allow them to introduce themselves once you arrive at Global Justice headquarters. For now, let us go over your gadgets for this mission, all old favorites I'm sure. We have: laser lipstick, combination drill heel and suction cup bottomed go-go boots, Wind Tunnel 3000 Tornado Blast Hair Dryer, telescopic sunglasses, and the jet pack backpacks." Jerry said, revealing the items one at a time. The girls happily watched, these gadgets being among their favorites that they use. "Have a safe trip." Jerry said, as backpacks fell from the ceiling into the girls' hands and the sofa they were sitting on descended into the floor, forming itself into a pod, which was then shot down a tunnel at high speeds.

The girls' pod slid into the docking station in Global Justice's receiving bay, and after it was scanned the girls stepped out already decked out in their catsuits.

"Would it kill Jerry to have us travel more glamorously? We have that jet from when we were posing as a band, why didn't we use that?" Clover asked aggravation in her voice.

"Because you're entering a secret government facility." A voice said, as a teenage boy stepped forward. "I am William Du, the Director has asked me to escort you to meet with your associates for this endeavor."

"Will Du? Ha! That's funny." Alex said, as Will gave her a glare.

"Just like Phantom. Charming." Will said, before leading them to the command center.

In the command center, the spies saw two teenagers speaking with a woman in her mid-40s who was wearing an eye-patch. They turned around as they entered.

"Ah, the agents from WOOHP. Welcome to Global Justice. I hope Jerry has given you the basic rundown about who we are and what we do." Betty Director said. "I am the Director of Global Justice, Dr. Betty Director. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Wait, Director is your last name too?" Danny asked, looking at her. "I thought everyone called you Dr. Director because it was your title."

"Indeed, regardless, allow me to introduce your associates for this mission. This is Kim Possible, and this is Phantom. You'll be working with them for the duration of this task." Dr. Director said, gesturing to the two in turn.

"Hi, I'm Sam." The red-haired girl said, reaching out for a handshake to Kim.

"I'm Alex!" The yellow-suit wearing tanned girl said, giving a friendly wave.

"And I'm Clover, but you can call me later." Clover said, sliding up to Danny and laying the flirting on thick.

"Flattered, but taken." Danny said, taking a step back. "Love life is weird enough as it is."

"If that isn't the truth." Kim said, rolling her eyes. "Pleasure to meet all three of you. I hope we'll work well together."

"Likewise, so what information do we have on this Mindhacker game?" Sam asked, looking to the Director.

"We're in the process of decompiling it now. Normally Ms. Possible's associate Wade Load would handle this, he's a tech genius without peer, unfortunately he has succumbed to the game as well, so we're having to do so through our methods, which unfortunately are not as advanced." Dr. Director said.

"Want me to see if Technus can lend a hand? He's probably better able to decompile it than a regular program." Danny said.

"We've considered it Phantom, but the risk of Technus falling under the control of Mindhacker is too great. If Technus were to ever go rogue, he would be a world-level threat I do not trust in our ability to handle." Dr. Director said, sighing. "It does frustrate me to no end that ever since you all arrived on the scene we've been forced to play catch-up."

"Care to elaborate for those who aren't clued in?" Clover asked.

"Mr. Load and Technus are minds unlike any we've ever seen before. Their abilities with technology outclass our top scientists by a wide margin. The others that Phantom and Possible associate with are equally as impressive. Our research and development department is several dozen times larger than their teams, yet they continuously outdo us." Dr. Director said.

"So, is Technus like a code name like Phantom? Why do they have code names?" Alex asked.

"No, Technus is his name. He's a ghost so they tend to give themselves new ones when they die." Danny said. "Phantom is technically a code name I use, although it's just to protect my identity when I'm fighting ghosts so that way not everyone knows I have powers."

"There's no such thing as ghosts." Clover said, waving her hand.

"Beg to differ, you've got a half-ghost standing right here." Danny said, waving his hand.

"Why don't you all head to the sparring room? You can demonstrate your abilities and get to know each other better there. We'll likely be some time decompiling the game." Dr. Director said. "I'm sure you remember the way."

"You got it, Director. Come on, follow me then." Danny said, leading the quintet of superheroes to the sparring room he and Will had used during their prior visit.

"I'll go ahead and properly introduce myself then. I'm Kim Possible. I started being a 'hero' as most people call it two years ago when I was in middle school. I had started a personal hire website intending for people to use it to contact me for babysitting or odd jobs. A huge millionaire accidentally got trapped by his new security system, and his assistant accidentally pulled up my website when looking for someone else. I managed to help him out, and then gained a reputation for making the impossible possible. More and more people started contacting me to help with things like landslides and missing persons cases. Super villains have been a recent addition, but it's mostly more of the same. My team helps a lot, there's Ron, he's my sidekick as he calls himself. Then there's Wade, he's my guy in the chair, you heard Dr. Director talk about him." Kim said.

"I'm Phantom, if we're going to be working together long term, I guess letting you know the basics of my identity isn't going to be too bad. This is a secret, but since you all are spies, you should be good at keeping those. My real name is Danny Fenton. I gained ghost powers when a lab accident turned me into a half-ghost. Generally I can walk through walls, turn invisible, fly, shoot ectoplasmic energy rays, create energy constructs, overshadow people, and sense the presence of ghosts. I'm also significantly stronger and more durable than a human, although we haven't really tested the limits of that yet. Other ghosts have other powers that I might possess and not know how to use yet, I've only had my powers for a couple months." Danny said, demonstrating the powers briefly as he explained them.

"Overshadow?" Sam asked, curious about the word.

"It's a nicer way of saying possess people. I can kind of go into someone's body and take control of it. Not something I like to do on the regular." Danny said.

"As if, there's no way you can take over people." Clover said, still not believing the ghost stuff.

"I can prove it. How about I overshadow you and make you fly up to that box over there? If you get there, I successfully overshadowed you." Danny said.

"Fine, let's see it then ghost boy." Clover said, putting her hands on her hips.

Danny turned intangible and flew into Clover, moving her arms around as he got used to her body. "So this is what overshadowing a girl is like. Hadn't done so before." Danny took a step forward and nearly fell over. "How do you walk in these heels? Surely these aren't good for missions."

"You get used to them, a small heel is actually better for your feet than purely flat shoes, these are a bit extreme, but we have gadgets inside." Sam said, amazed by Danny's abilities.

"Noted, anyway, let's get Clover here on that box before I spend too long in here." Danny said in Clover's voice, flying her up to the box and hopping out of her.

Clover blinked for a second as she came too, looking at Danny floating in front of her as she sat on top of the box he had pointed at. "Alright, so you can take over people's body. Way creepy."

"I agree, which is why I don't like to do it. Let me help you down." Danny said, grabbing Clover's arm and floating her off of the box. "So, what about you three? Give us the low-down on your story."

"Well, we were recruited into the WOOHP spy program at the same time. WOOHP had apparently been monitoring us for years before recruiting us. Apparently we have some sort of 'spy gene' that predisposes us for enhanced espionage abilities. WOOHP transferred all of us to Beverly Hills a few months ago, and from there gave us an initial exam and when we passed had us join as full-time spies. Since then we've taken down lots of bad guys, usually people with plans of world domination. If you remember Ricky Mathis from a few months ago? How people got obsessed with his music? His manager had used some kind of sound hypnosis to make people obsessed with his music, and was going to use it to take over the world. We stopped it though." Sam said, explaining their story.

"Huh, just last week I did the same thing with Ember McClain." Danny said.

"Ember? Clover was a big fan." Alex said, looking over at the blonde.

"Yeah! She released a huge single, and then only showed up for half of her concert. What was up with that?" Clover asked.

"Ember's a ghost, she used her ghost powers to manipulate her music to make people obsessed with her. I was immune because of my powers, since she needs a more concentrated burst to control a ghost. Kim and some of our other friends had some equipment my parents made that filters out ghost sounds, so they were immune as well." Danny said.

"Lot of good that immunity did when she hit you with that love song." Kim said, rolling her eyes.

"Look! I can't help it! I snapped out of it didn't I?" Danny said exasperatedly.

"After Star and I kissed you." Kim said.

"And never say I don't appreciate it." Danny responded.

"Oh, are you two together?" Alex asked.

"No point in hiding it, yeah. Danny and I have been a thing for a bit now." Kim said, grabbing Danny's hand.

"Ooh… sorry for hitting on him in front of you then." Clover said, feeling a little sheepish.

"So not the drama, not like I'm not used to it." Kim said. "Danny's got another girlfriend, we agreed to date him together so I'm not really the jealous type right now."

"Tell that to Ember." Danny grinned.

"Mind control doesn't count." Kim said pointedly.

"How does that work out? Sam, Clover and I thought about trying that once, there was this guy we all really liked, but never went through with it." Alex asked.

"It's worked out well for us. It kind of started because I was worried about getting hurt or dying while I was saving the world. I wanted to date Danny, but I didn't want to leave him all alone if something happened to me. I had also introduced him to his other girlfriend before I knew I was into him, so I ended up making my own competition. I talked to Star about it, that's her name by the way, and we decided to try dating him together. He and Star go on dates while I'm on missions, and he and I get to do other hero stuff together. When we can, the three of us try to do trio dates. We were just getting back from one when we found out about this Mindhacker stuff." Kim said, sitting down on one of the chairs in the room.

"Always sucks when your personal life gets interrupted by missions." Alex said, taking a seat herself. "I had to cancel on a date with a cute boy from the track team because we had to go to Peru to stop some maniac from turning all the house cats in the world into pumas."

"How would you do that, and WHY would you do that? Are all super villains this weird? The ghosts usually just have basic personal gain in mind, their schemes aren't anywhere near as complicated." Danny asked looking at the others.

"I consider myself pretty smart, and I can't figure out how they manage to do these things." Sam said, sighing. "Always proves there's more to learn."

"Probably not the best idea to learn from the mad scientists." Kim said, rolling her eyes. "No matter how much DNAmy's notes helped on my biology test."

"So that's how you did so much better than me on that." Danny said. "I figured you just knew an expert who owed you a favor."

"I don't usually like to cash those in for basic stuff like that. I can study on my own." Kim said.

"WOOHP usually just hires tutors for us to make up for the lost study time." Alex said. "Not that Sam ever needs it. She's a brainiac!"

"She's constantly fighting with a kid named Arnold Jackson for best grades in our year. Probably would be beating him if we didn't have missions to do." Clover said, looking at her nails.

"Arnold? Red-hair, likes sweater vests?" Danny asked.

"Uh, yeah. How'd you know?" Sam asked, blinking in Danny's direction.

"Small world, he's one of Tucker and Wade's video game buddies. We've played Doomed a couple of times together. He mentioned he was from Beverly Hills." Danny said.

At that moment, Dr. Director entered the room, scanning over the teenagers. "I hope introductions went well. We've finished decompilation of the Mindhacker game. The tools used to create the game are proprietary, and owned by the Nakasumi Toys and Games company. We have arranged a transport for you to their primary headquarters in Osaka. Please make any final preparations you need for this trip."

"Thanks for the warning, but how are we traveling, missile?" Alex asked, flinching at the thought.

"We have a jet being prepared as we speak, it is our hopes it will be fully ready in twenty minutes." Dr. Director said. "I am familiar with WOOHP's unconventional transportation methods. We tend to not use them here in Global Justice."

Sam, Alex and Clover blinked, before falling to their knees. "Oh thank goodness. If I get fired out of a missile silo again it'll be too soon." Clover said tears in her eyes.

Danny and Kim watched the display, concern at the reaction. "Noted. I guess I better call my parents and let them know where I'm going." Danny said.

"Me too." Kim said, pulling out her Kimmunicator.

"Your parents know about the hero stuff?" Sam asked, looking to the pair.

"Yeah, they didn't at first, they're ghost hunters so I was worried they might dissect me. I met another half-ghost though who showed me what it would be like if I didn't have people to support me, so I told them. They've technically forbidden me from leaving the country, but given that it's possibly the fate of the world at stake, they might relax that. Dr. Director, would you be willing to speak with them if they ask?" Danny asked, looking to the older woman.

"Of course. When I started developing the idea for this team, I knew I would need to spend time speaking with your parents about your missions." Dr. Director said.

As Sam, Alex, and Clover watched Danny and Kim make contact with their parents and tell them about the mission they were about to undertake, a strange pang ran through them. Outside of each other, they didn't have anyone in their personal lives who knew about their missions. Danny and Kim though seemed to have whole support networks who helped deal with these stresses. They wondered what it would be like if they could be more open with their identities, at least to certain people.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Fenton. I appreciate your willingness to help in this endeavor, I assure you that your son will be given the best assistance we can offer him." Dr. Director said, as her conversation with Danny's parents ended. "With that out of the way, if you all will follow me to the hangar, we will send you off shortly."

In Osaka, Danny, Kim, and the spies step into the Nakasumi Toys corporate office. A receptionist sits at the desk, and Kim walks up to her. "Excuse me ma'am, is Mr. Nakasumi in? My name is Kim Possible, I'm a friend of his." Kim asks the receptionist.

"Miss Possible? Oh, of course. I'll see if he is available right away." The receptionist says, making a quick call upstairs.

"You know Mr. Nakasumi?" Danny asked, looking quizzically at his girlfriend.

"Oh yeah, it was one of my missions from before you and I started dating. Drakken had taken over his production line and used it to make a giant robot thing. Wade took it down without too much issue. Mr. Nakasumi is really nice, and he really likes Ron. Apparently Ron's a perfect focus group for toy testing." Kim said.

"Mr. Nakasumi is waiting for you in his office, it's on the 13th floor, thank you." The receptionist said, as the quintet made their way to the elevator.

Stepping into Mr. Nakasumi's office, the group saw a very basic sitting area, with a shelf full of various toys and devices, as well as many awards. "Kim Possible-san. It is a pleasure to see you again. I see you have many new acquaintances, please introduce me." Mr. Nakasumi said, glancing over at the group.

"Yes Mr. Nakasumi, these are my friends Danny, Sam, Alex, and Clover. While I wish this was a personal call, we're actually here on an investigation." Kim said, introducing everyone.

"Such as I feared. Is Stoppable-san not with you?" Mr. Nakasumi asked, seemingly looking for the blond boy.

"He's not, and that is part of the problem. Have you heard of a game called Mindhacker?" Kim asked, looking to the balding man.

"Hai, it released recently. No one seems to know who published or developed it, but it is outperforming many of our own games by a wide margin. This is strange as I did not see the game at any trade shows before this point. Independent projects are more popular in recent years, but for one to have such immediate traction is unusual." The Japanese man said, stroking his chin lightly. "Why do you ask?"

"Mindhacker has been seemingly controlling people's minds. People who start playing it can't put it down, not even to eat or drink. Ron, alongside several of our other friends are out of commission because of it. An organization we work with decompiled the game and found that many of the tools used to develop it are owned by your company, and are proprietary." Kim said.

"Truly? I must admit I do not keep as close of an eye on the video game side of our business as I do our toy side. The video game team is under the close eye of my good friend Toshiro Tohomiko. I shall call for him, perhaps he may have a better idea of what is going on." Mr. Nakasumi turned in his desk and pulled out his phone, calling someone in Japanese. After a brief conversation, he turned back. "I have been informed that Toshiro-san has been working from home recently. Such events are not uncommon for him. I shall provide you his address for you to speak with him directly. Allow me to write you a message as well so he knows to cooperate." Mr. Nakasumi jotted down some Japanese characters on a sheet of paper, before handing it and an address written in English to Kim. "I assure you, we here at Nakasumi Toys and Games have no desire to control the minds in any way beyond providing joy to our consumers. If someone is using our tools to do harm, please do what you can to stop them."

"You got it Mr. Nakasumi." Kim said, taking the papers. "Looks like we're heading to Toshiro's house then."

After a short trip by train, the five teens arrived at the address provided to them by Mr. Nakasumi. Finding the door labeled with Toshiro's name, Danny knocked. They waited a moment, but there was no response.

"Guy's working from home but not actually home?" Clover asked, suspicious of what is going on.

"Take a look at his mailbox though, looks like he hasn't checked it in a while." Sam said, gesturing to the small cubby beside his door that was overflowing with mail.

"I'm thinking this warrants a quick check inside. Can you girls pick a lock?" Kim asked, looking at them.

"On it!" Clover said, crouching down and pulling out a bobby pin, trying to pick the lock.

"Think I can make this easier." Danny said, reaching through the door and unlocking it from the inside.

"Show off." Clover pouted, opening the door.

The house looked to be a disaster area, various pieces of furniture were askew, and a half-eaten bowl of ramen sat on the counter, having gone moldy.

"Well, looks like Toshiro hasn't been here in a while, and left in a hurry.. But not out the front door." Sam said, looking around. "Definite signs of a struggle."

"I'll say, every time I see an apartment like this in an anime it's spotless, this one is trashed." Danny said, glancing around.

"See if you can find anything. If Toshiro's been kidnapped, we'll need to find out who did it." Kim said, as they spread out throughout the apartment.

"Bedroom looks untouched, no signs of a struggle in here." Alex said as she looked over the bedroom.

"Kitchen looks like what I would expect from someone who just made dinner. Nothing out of the ordinary." Sam said, examining the sink.

"Well, outside of the obvious fight scene, I can't see anything here in the living room." Kim said, crouched on the floor as she looked around. "No shoe prints, no debris. Nothing."

"Hey, is that a Z-Toy?" Danny asked, looking at the base of the entertainment center that filled a large portion of the living room. "Haven't seen one of those in ages."

"Z-Toy?" Kim asked, looking at the device Danny was talking about.

"It's an accessory for the Z-Station 2. It's effectively a webcam that got used for some games. Wasn't super popular." Danny explained taking a look at it. "Looks like this one was on though, I wonder." Danny turned on the TV, before grabbing the controller for the Z-Station. "Bingo! He had it set to record! Must have been playing around with some of the features, let's check what it saw."

Danny checked some of the recordings, the camera had been motion activated, so the first few recordings they found were of them in the room. Working backwards though, Danny managed to pull up a video that showed Toshiro using the device, the bowl of ramen he had made sitting on the counter. "Well, this is the last video from before he left, maybe there's something there." Danny said, as they watched the screen. Toshiro was clearing some space, probably getting ready to play some game, when someone came through the balcony door. The intruder was female, relatively shapely, with long black hair and green tinted skin.

"Shego! She kidnapped Toshiro! That means Drakken is behind this." Kim said, as they watched Shego attempt to grab Toshiro who jumped around the room dodging her. The small man didn't escape her for very long though as she grabbed him and dragged him through the balcony doors.

"Shego? Drakken?" Sam asked, looking at Kim. "You mentioned Drakken before, but who are they?"

"Pretty much my arch-enemies. Drakken is a mad scientist, does all kinds of bizarre schemes for world domination. Shego is his bodyguard, she's got some kind of superpowers, and can shoot plasma blasts from her hands." Kim said. "We'll have to see if Global Justice can find wherever his lab is right now."

"How do you normally find him?" Danny asked.

"Wade usually looks for places with large power signatures. Drakken's schemes aren't usually subtle." Kim said.

"Let's see if WOOHP can find him then." Sam said, pulling out her Compowder. "Hey Jerry, think you can locate a villain lair for us? Someplace with a massive power draw that seems out of place."

"I'll see what I can find girls." Jerry said, glancing over at another monitor. "Well, there is an island in the middle of the pacific that seems to be creating and consuming a large amount of power. I take it that's your next destination?"

"Seems like it Jerry, send for a pick-up please." Sam said.

"I'll send a jet right away." Jerry said, hanging up.

In the middle of the Pacific, the girls parachuted down to a tropical island, while Danny flew down beside them. They landed on the beach, their parachutes retracting into their bags.

"Gotta hand it to this Drakken guy, he can pick an island. This would be a rocking place to work on my tan." Clover said, enjoying the sunshine.

"Probably thank Shego for that, she enjoys it about as much as you do." Kim said, while they examined the large central structure. "Let's make our way in, and see if we can catch them off guard."

"You think they won't notice 4 people parachuting in?" Danny asked.

"I can hope." Kim said.

They noticed. The group had been ambushed as they attempted to enter the compound, and were brought to a large central chamber. The blue-skinned scientist looked over at the group, who were currently being held by his red-suited henchman. "Ah! Kim Possible. I must admit, I'm surprised you found me, I thought I had been extra thorough this time." Drakken said. "It seems you called in some help though. I recognize the flying boy, but who are the others? And where is the… blond one? Stevens or something?"

"Give it up Drakken. You won't get away with this!" Kim said, struggling against her captor's grip.

"I believe you'll find I already have. Millions of people around the world are now addicted to Mindhacker, and once I send forth the new commands in the updates, they will do my bidding! I will have an army larger than any nation!" Drakken gloated. "And you and your associates won't be able to stand in my way. Henchman! Throw them in the acid vat!"

"Yeah, no. Thanks for the confession though." Danny said, as he phased out of the grip of the henchman who was holding him, before knocking the ones holding onto the others away.

"Thanks Danny. Let's teach these goons a lesson." Kim said, as she and Danny dropped into fighting stances. The spies followed suit as waves of guards began to make their way to them.

Sam, Alex, and Clover simply watched in shock as Kim and Danny tore through henchman like they were nothing. They had thought they were decent combatants, but compared to those two they were amateurs. Despite Kim being smaller in stature than the spies, she was easily throwing around the red-suited goons like they were toys, and Danny seemed to actively be avoiding throwing punches as he used the men's own attacks to incapacitate each other.

This wasn't to say the Spies were pushovers though. Sam had taken down two guards on her own, delivering solid spin kicks to their faces that knocked them out. Clover had pulled out her tornado blast hair dryer, sending a handful of guards flying. Alex had turned on her jetpack, and was slamming herself bodily into the henchman at high speeds. Within a few moments, the henchman were in a battered pile on the floor.

"Shego! Get them!" Drakken said, frantically scrambling around for some device. The green-clad woman appeared from the shadows, squaring up against the teens.

"Ha, five on one against you hero types? Figured you'd be fairer than that." Shego taunted.

"You're right we are. Danny, how about you go deal with Drakken. Girls, you go find Toshiro. I've got Shego." Kim said, staring down her adversary.

"You got it!" The others said, as they dashed towards their goals. Shego moved to intercept them, but was caught off guard as Kim delivered a flying kick that forced her to block.

"Alright Kimmie, I'll deal with you and then your little entourage." Shego said, as her hands began to glow, and the two began to trade blows back and forth.

Sam, Alex, and Clover dashed through the facility, checking room after room while they looked for Toshiro. They eventually found him in a room, where three henchmen watched over him while he typed away at a console.

"Toshiro Tohomiko? We're here to rescue you." Alex said, while Sam and Clover delivered high flying jump kicks to the henchmen, sending them to the ground.

"Oh thank goodness. I was worried no one would ever come." Toshiro said, finally stopping his work on the console.

"Calvary is here. Phantom and Kim Possible are dealing with Drakken and Shego, we're here to make sure you get out." Sam said, glancing at the code on the screen.

"We need to destroy the central server. He won't be able to send out game updates without it, making the control program he made me write stop working." Toshiro said.

"Do you know where that is?" Clover asked.

"Yes, please follow me." The little man said, as he led them out of the room and towards a large air conditioned room, where several large server racks were stored. "You need to destroy them all."

"Hmm. We don't really have anything big enough to destroy this room all at once." Sam said, going over their gadget list in her head.

"Guess we better get shooting then." Alex said, pulling out the laser lipstick and beginning cutting through one of the server towers. Sam and Clover pulled out theirs and began cutting away at two others.

Danny flew up to where Drakken was, and floated next to him. "Give it up Blue Man Group. Kim'll take down Shego and you'll have lost like always." Danny said, glaring at Drakken.

"Not this time weird flying boy! Let's see how you handle this!" Drakken said, pulling a ray gun from his pocket and shooting it at Danny. Danny didn't react in time, the blast hitting him in his center of mass and stinging terribly.

"Owch, gotta admit. Surprised you've made something that can do some damage. Let's deal with that then." Danny shot forward, slapping the device out of Drakken's hand with a speed the scientist wasn't prepared for.

"Ah! No fair! I don't have super powers to fight you!" Drakken said, looking dejectedly at the ray gun that slid across the floor. Drakken ran towards it, but Danny beat him there, picking the weapon up.

"Neat toy you've got here. A Nakasumi design you ripped off?" Danny quipped, spinning the weapon like a movie cowboy.

"No! …. Maybe. Yes, but mine works and doesn't just make lights and sounds." Drakken said, trying to reach for the weapon. Danny pushed his arm out, holding Drakken back like a child.

"Real impressive Doc. Well, if you want it, you can go get it!" Danny said, before sliding the weapon across the floor, sending it through the railing at the edge of the platform they were on.

Drakken dashed for it, nearly catching up to it before it fell off the platform. He caught himself on the metal railing, just barely avoiding falling into his own acid pit. "No matter, I still have one more trick up my sleeve!" Drakken said, pulling a remote from his pocket. "With this remote, my game will update, ordering all of my new army to begin destabilizing governments around the world!"

Danny rolled his eyes, firing an ecto-ray from his fingertip towards the remote, melting it in short order. "Thanks for the heads up. Now I think I'll wrap this up." Danny grabbed the metal railing pulling it from the platform with his enhanced strength and wrapping Drakken in it. The doctor now stood, unable to move as the cold metal held him in place.

"Shego! Get me out of here!" Drakken called out, hoping his assistant would come to his rescue.

"She's out of commission Drakken. I think you're well and truly stuck." Kim said, dragging the unconscious body of Shego up to the platform. "Phantom, think you can restrain her too?"

"Not a problem." Danny said, grabbing another section of railing and restraining the green supervillainess.

"Girls, you find Toshiro?" Kim asked, pulling out her Kimmunicator. On the trip over, they had connected it and the Compowders so they could communicate.

"We found Toshiro, and we're about half-way through destroying the server room. We don't have anything big to do it all at once though." Sam said on the other end, where they could see the girls using their small lasers to destroy server centers.

"I'll be there in a second, I think I might be able to." Danny said, flying through the hallways and making it to the room. Using his enhanced strength, Danny pulled the servers from the floor, piling them into a corner, and with a focused energy blast, began melting the servers together.

"Show off." Clover grumbled goodnaturedly. "Well, if that's done, I guess we better call into Jerry and Dr. Director to let them know the mission is done."

"Already done girls." Jerry said, stepping into the room. "We'll be planting some charges here to make sure all of this is destroyed. For now, why don't all of you step outside whilst we handle the rest."

With Drakken and Shego in custody, and the island base destroyed, Danny, Kim, and the spies boarded the jet that WOOHP and Global Justice had sent for them, and were sitting with Jerry and Dr. Director.

"Well done. I hope there weren't too many complications with this mission." Dr. Director said, looking to the gathered group.

"Nothing we couldn't handle obviously." Danny said, smiling at the girls around him. "I thought we made a pretty good team."

"More like totally awesome!" Clover said, shooting her hands up. "We kicked all kinds of butt!"

"It's admittedly pretty nice to have people around who get what it's like to do this stuff." Sam said. "Keeping the spy stuff secret has made it pretty hard to have friends outside of each other."

"I suppose it must be." Jerry said looking at the girls. "Have there been many issues with the secrecy? It's not an aspect of your work you've told me about often."

"Nothing like a breach or anything, just difficulties maintaining relationships outside of the organization. Boys weren't fans of us constantly blowing off dates, and other girls found our friendship kind of impenetrable since we spend so much time together." Alex spoke up. "Sam and Clover are the best friends I could ever ask for, but I worry that I'll never be able to make any other long-term friends outside of them because of the WOOHP stuff."

"Ms. Possible, Mr. Phantom, how do you handle these issues?" Jerry asked, looking to them.

"Well, I don't have a secret identity. My hero work is out in the open. It has made keeping friends pretty difficult. Ron and Wade were pretty much the only deep friendships I've managed to keep since I started doing this, at least before I met Phantom." Kim said, looking to Danny.

"Dr. Director, I take it he's aware of my identity?" Danny asked, looking to her.

"I haven't informed him, that's up to you." Dr. Director said.

"Uh, Jerry. I understand you run a spy agency, so I'll trust your ability to keep secrets." Danny said looking to him.

"I assure you nothing you say to me leaves this room." Jerry said, looking to the ghost boy.

"Well, I do keep a secret identity, originally it was from everyone who wasn't there when I got my powers, but I've recently been expanding the circle. Having people who care about me who can help support the emotional burden of what we do is a big help. Obviously the difference between the work I do, and the espionage the girls do is decent, but I do think letting some people outside of group be aware of what they do, if not the specifics is worthwhile. I'd be a lot less effective as a hero if I didn't have Sam or Tucker there to help me work on balancing my life." Danny said. "Even something as simple as making an extra copy of their notes in class because I was busy fighting a ghost makes managing my hero life and my school life easier."

"They've been lots of help for me too." Kim said. "Notes for classwork, keeping an understanding of what's going on, and sometimes just being a bit of normalcy is great. I admittedly am not as close to them as Danny is, but they've taken up with helping me with work-life balance as well. From working on study guides for tests, to just being around for a relaxing trip to the mall where I know they won't talk about a mission, it's great. It lets me compartmentalize stuff a bit."

"Interesting." Jerry said, looking to Dr. Director. "It would seem that this team idea of yours has significant merit if this encounter is any indication."

"I'm more than pleased with the results." Dr. Director said. "I imagine you're going somewhere with this though."

"The girls here primarily travel the world for missions, which means that provided their starting location is sufficiently well connected where they are is largely irrelevant." Jerry said, before turning to the girls. "I understand you're still relatively recent in your move to Beverly Hills, but would you be open to relocating again?"

"You're wanting us to move to where Danny and Kim are I'm guessing?" Sam said. "I… well I think it's not a bad idea. Certainly having people around we don't need to hide who or what we are is good. It's also not like we have any friends outside of each other in Beverly Hills anyway."

"What about our parents though? Surely they'd have issues finding work." Alex mentioned.

"Your parents are technically WOOHP employees, working for companies controlled by us. It's not a coincidence they received job offers in the area after all." Jerry said. "If this would be a move you would be interested in, there would be similar offers given to them to encourage the relocation."

"What about WOOHP's headquarters? We couldn't handle a different handler, Jerry." Clover said.

"I would maintain my status as your handler as it were, I need not be present at WOOHP headquarters physically that often. Over the years we've decreased the organization's reliance on me specifically anyway. I would be willing to relocate in the interest of smoothing over this partnership with Global Justice." Jerry said, looking at Dr. Director.

"We'd be glad to have you, you could utilize Global Justice resources while you establish your presence in Middleton if you wish." Dr. Director said.

"I think we should do it guys. Having other people around who understand the mission stuff would be great." Sam said, looking to her two best friends.

"I think it's worth thinking about." Alex said.

"Ooh, I wonder if there are any cute boys in Middleton who are in need of some Clover in their life." Clover wondered aloud.

"I'll make preparations while you think over it. I believe this would be the start of a fruitful partnership." Jerry said looking over the gathered teens.

"Guess we're starting a teenage superteam." Danny said.

"Well, together we'll be unstoppable." Kim said, smiling at the new friends.

Heart of a Hero - Chapter 12 - DasChillyOne (2024)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.