Hippo Puns Unleashed: 200+ Hilarious and Witty Puns for Hippopotamus Lovers (2024)

Are you a hippopotamus lover looking to add some humor to your life? Look no further than our list of over 200 hilarious and witty hippo puns! From “hippo-pot-amus-ing” to “hippo-critical”, these puns are sure to make you chuckle or even snort like a hippo. Don’t be afraid to let loose and embrace your inner hippopotamus enthusiast with these puns. So, are you ready to have a “hippo time” giggling at these puns? Let’s dive in and unleash the hilarity of hippo puns!

Hip Hip Hippopotamus! (Editors Pick)

1. What do you call a hippopotamus that doesn’t share its food? A hipo-nom-nom-nomus!
2. What is a hippo’s favorite type of music? Hip-hop!
3. Why did the hippopotamus go on vacation? It was time for a hippo-holiday!
4. What do you get when you cross a hippo and a camel? A humpopotamus!
5. How do you get a hippo to smile? You tell it a hippo-tastic joke!
6. What do you call a group of dancing hippos? A hippo-hop troupe!
7. What do you call a hippopotamus wearing a tutu? A baller-hippo!
8. Why did the hippo join the gym? It wanted to get Hippo-fit!
9. What do you call a hippopotamus with a sun hat? A hippo-tanningus!
10. Why did the hippo go to the doctor? It wasn’t feeling hippo-tized!
11. What do you call a hippo with a cold? A snottapotamus!
12. What do you call a hippopotamus that loves to play practical jokes? A hippo-prankster!
13. How does a hippopotamus call his friends? On his hippo-phone!
14. What do you call a hippopotamus with a big nose? Hippo-rhino-potamus!
15. What do you call a hippopotamus that wants to be a famous pop star? Hippy-hop-o-potamus!
16. How do you get a hippopotamus into a car? You open the hippo-doors!
17. Why did the hippo go on a diet? It wanted to be Hippo-thin-ymous!
18. What do you call a hippopotamus that loves to dance in the rain? A hip-pouring-amus!
19. What do you call a hippopotamus that’s always chit-chatting with its friends? Hippo-gossip-amus!
20. What do you call a very fashionable hippopotamus? Hipster-potamus!

“Hip and Happenin’ Hippo Humor (One-liner Puns)”

1. What do you call a hippo that’s always on time? A Hippoclockamus!
2. Did you hear about the singing hippopotamus? His name is Hippopera Winfrey.
3. Why did the hippo try to become a singer? He wanted to join the Hip-Hopopotamus Group.
4. Why don’t hippos play soccer? They always use their hands!
5. What do you call a hippopotamus in a tutu? A ballerHippo!
6. How do you know if a hippo is dangerous? By looking at its Hippotools!
7. Why was the hippopotamus always late? Because he loved to Hippopotamussle around in bed!
8. What did the hippo say when he saw the other hippo? Hip, Hip, Hoorhippo!
9. How does a hippo cross the river? By using a Hippopotabridge!
10. Why did the hippo break up with his girlfriend? She was too Hippocritical!
11. What do you call a hippopotamus that’s a doctor? A HippocriticOath!
12. Why do hippos love top-rated movies? Because they are a Hippopithrus for pop culture!
13. How do you know if a hippo is interested in music? It will start to Hippobop!
14. What do you call a hungry hippopotamus? A Hipposnackus!
15. Why was the hippo afraid of the dentist? Because of the Hippocreepus!
16. What do you call a group of hippopotamuses that sing? A Hippopopgroup!
17. Did you hear about the hippopotamus that loved math? He was a Hippomathicus!
18. Why did the hippopotamus become a vegetarian? He was a HippoHerbivorous!
19. Why do hippopotamuses love comedy? They laugh at Hippojokes!
20. What do you call a hippopotamus that loves solving puzzles? A HippoChallengus!

Hip-Hop Hippos (Question-and-Answer Puns)

1. Why did the hippo ask for a raise? Because he was tired of living (liv-ing) paycheck to paycheck!
2. What did one hippo say to the other at the gym? Let’s hippo-cise!
3. Why do hippos always have sunscreen on? Because they don’t want to be hippo-crits!
4. Why did the hippo wear a tutu? Because he was going to a hippo-hop (hip-hop) concert!
5. What did the hippo say to the waiter? Can you bring me a hippo-potato (sweet potato) please?
6. Why did the hippo go to the doctor? Because he felt hippo-ventilated (out of breath)!
7. What did the librarian say to the hippo? You can’t hippo-checkout (check out) all those books!
8. What is a hippo’s favorite fruit? Hip-pears!
9. Why did the hippo cross the river? To get to the other hippo-side (other side)!
10. What does a hippo say when you ask him to do something? Hip-perhaps (Perhaps)!
11. What did the hippo say to the dentist? I’m afraid of hippo-tists (hypnotists)!
12. Why don’t hippos play cards? Because they’re always hippo-critical (flip-flopping)!
13. What did the hippo say when his friend asked him to dinner? I’ll have hippo-potamus and fries (chips), please!
14. Why don’t hippos make good painters? Because they only know how to paint hip-potamuses (hippopotamuses)!
15. What did the teacher say to the hippo? You need to be more hippo-focused (focused)!
16. Why did the hippo buy a new car? Because his old one had hippo-problems (hippopotamus)!
17. What did the little hippo say to the big hippo? You’re hippo-thetically (hypothetically) my hero!
18. Why don’t hippos ever go to the movies? Because they always fall hippo-somno (asleep)!
19. What did the hippo say to the thief? Stop! Hippo-crite (Hypocrite)!
20. Why don’t hippos ever get colds? Because they always Hippo-lize (Hydrate)!

Hippo-rific Double Entendre Puns: The Unbearable Lightness of Being Hippo-tized

1. That hippo over there is quite the “hungry, hungry” one.
2. I heard that hippo has quite the “thick skin” when it comes to criticism.
3. That hippo is the “biggest showoff” at the zoo.
4. The hippo’s dance moves are “hip-po-potential.”
5. That hippo’s got some “serious junk in the trunk.”
6. I don’t wanna “hippo-crit” but that hippo is eating like a pig.
7. Did you know hippos can “hippo-cise” for up to 5 hours?
8. That hippo is a “heavy hitter”.
9. Do you want to know why hippos are always angry? They “hippo-ventilate” when they’re upset!
10. That hippo is always “shaking what his mama gave him.”
11. Did you know that hippos are actually great swimmers? They do the “hippo-paddle”
12. I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that hippo’s “badonka-donk.”
13. Have you seen the new “hippo-daisy” exhibit at the zoo?
14. That hippo is as “happy as a hippo in water.
15. I heard that hippo has a “devilish dunk” on the basketball court.
16. That hippo needs to lay off the donuts, he’s getting a little too “hippo-letic.”
17. Hippos are always the last to leave the party because they are “hippo-nautically challenged” after a night of eating and drinking.
18. That hippo is as “thick-skinned” as they come.
19. I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that hippo’s “crush.”
20. That hippo is “hung like a hippopotamus.”

Hippopotamazing Humor (Puns in Hippo Idioms)

1. I’m feeling a little hippo-critical today.
2. That’s a hippo-sized problem.
3. I’m going to hippo-camp this summer.
4. Don’t be such a hippo-crite.
5. Let’s get hippo-active and go for a walk.
6. I’m so hungry, I could eat a hippo.
7. Please don’t ever be hippo-boring.
8. Hippo to it, and finish your work!
9. I’m afraid of hippo-dentists.
10. I hippo-lieve in you!
11. Let’s hippo-tize the audience with our performance.
12. I feel hippo-thetical about this situation.
13. Let’s have a hippo-potamus race.
14. That’s a hippo-tical question.
15. I hippo-thesize that the answer is yes.
16. Let’s hippo-out and have some fun.
17. I’m not hippo-tized by your argument.
18. Don’t be such a hippo-crite, and practice what you preach.
19. Let’s go hippo-surfing.
20. I’m hippo-critical of your fashion choices.

Hippo Hop (Pun Juxtaposition)

1. Why did the hippo start a business? Because he wanted to make a hippopot-of-money.
2. What do you call a hippo that speaks multiple languages? A polyglot-a-potamus.
3. How do hippos stay in shape? They do marathons in their hippo-campus.
4. Why did the hippo go to the doctor? He had a case of hippo-tension.
5. Why did the hippo need a lawyer? He got a hippo-tation.
6. What do you get when you cross a hippo with a horse? Hip-pocrisy.
7. What do you call a hippo that’s good at keeping secrets? Hip-pothenuse
8. Why don’t hippos use cell phones? They prefer to use hippo-telegraph.
9. How do you know if a hippo is telling the truth? You see it in their hippo-eyes.
10. Why did the hippo join the choir? He wanted to sing hippo-tunes.
11. Why did the hippo refuse to ride the roller coaster? It was too hippo-terrifying.
12. How do hippos send mail? Through the hippo-post.
13. What do hippopotamus love to do after dinner? They hippo-NOT-ICE.
14. Why don’t hippos play cards in the jungle? There are too many cheetahs.
15. What do you call a hippo that’s great at basketball? A slam-dunk-a-potamus.
16. Why do hippos make terrible poker players? They can’t hide the hippo-tells.
17. What do you get when you cross a hippopotamus and a rhinoceros? Pooh-pooh-potamus?
18. Why did the hippo invite his friends to his house? He had hippo-the-rice ready.
19. What is a hippo’s favorite game show? Hipposite Day.
20. What do you call a hippopotamus that’s good at arithmetic? Arithmoppotamus.

Hip-Hop Hippo Puns (Wordplay with Wildlife)

1. Hip Hopopotamus
2. Hipponotamus
3. Hippothesis
4. Hippocampus
5. Hippo Critical
6. Hippo Cheerio
7. Hipposuction
8. Hip Hop-a-lot
9. Hippocratic Oath
10. Hippostrate
11. Hippo Notic
12. Hippodrome
13. Hippo-etizer
14. Hips Don’t Lie-potamus
15. Hippodaisy
16. Hippo Ventialator
17. Hippononymous
18. Hippo-tic Cycle
19. Hippo-sition
20. Hip New Adventure

Hippos with a Humorous Hiccup (Spoonerisms with Hippo Puns)

1. “Hiccups on the ramp”
2. “Pippopotamus”
3. “Wallowing in the muck”
4. “Hippolates”
5. “Pipocrisy”
6. “Hoppin’ hippos”
7. “Mippo Hutt”
8. “Hippo hats”
9. “Tip on the heap-o-hippos”
10. “Hippie-hippo”
11. “Paper-thin hippos”
12. “Hippopotamasterpiece”
13. “Slippery hippos”
14. “Hippomaniac”
15. “Tightly wrapped hippos”
16. “Hippo-heckler”
17. “Sippi hippos”
18. “Hippo-hooray”
19. “Tippity-top hippos”
20. “Hippocratic oath”

“Hippopotam-puns: Tom Swifties to Make You Hippo-hoppy”

1. “I can’t believe I forgot my notes on hippo anatomy,” said Tom absentmindedly.
2. I think I overdid it on the bean dip,” said Tom gassily.
3. Pass the sunscreen, I’m starting to burn,” said Tom glaringly.
4. “I love taking photos of hippos,” said Tom snap-happily.
5. “I don’t want to hear any more hippo puns,” said Tom terribly.
6. “This water is too cold for me,” said Tom shiveringly.
7. I forgot to put on deodorant this morning,” said Tom stinkingly.
8. “I’m not confident in my hippo-spotting skills,” said Tom doubtfully.
9. “I need a good book to read on the plane,” said Tom novel-ly.
10. “I’m having trouble fitting into this wetsuit,” said Tom snugly.
11. I don’t think a hippo would make a good pet,” said Tom logically.
12. “I don’t need a calculator for this math problem,” said Tom add-itively.
13. “I’m not comfortable with my swimming abilities,” said Tom floatingly.
14. I’m not feeling too good after that boat ride,” said Tom sea-sickly.
15. “I don’t believe in the concept of diets,” said Tom cheesily.
16. “The hippo exhibit is closed for maintenance,” said Tom disappointedly.
17. “I’m feeling very relaxed right now,” said Tom hippie-ly.
18. “I shouldn’t have eaten that spicy food,” said Tom hot-headedly.
19. “I’m not sure if I want to swim with hippos,” said Tom trepidatiously.
20. “I love watching hippos at the zoo,” said Tom fascinatedly.

Jumbo Jokes: Hippo-tize Your Audience with Oxymoronic Puns

1. “Why did the hippo buy a dictionary? He wanted to be fat and thin-spired.”
2. “What do you call a hippo that doesn’t gamble? A hy-po-late.”
3. “Why was the hippo a bad writer? He was swimming in cliches.”
4. “How do you know when a hippo’s angry? He’s hippo-tensed.”
5. “What do you call a hippo that’s always last in line? A hippobottomus.”
6. “Why do hippos work well in groups? They’re team players and herd achievers.”
7. “Why did the hippo cross the road? To get to the river paradox.”
8. “What do you call a hippo that’s always trying to be someone else? An imposter-amus.”
9. “Why did the hippo go to acting school? He wanted to be a thesaurus-caus.”
10. “What do you call a hippo that’s good at telling jokes? A hip-po-lol-itus.”
11. “Why was the hippo unhappy with his bank account? He was poor-potamous.”
12. “What do you call a hippo that’s really into fashion? A hipestylista.”
13. “Why don’t hippos play video games? They get too hippo-tized.”
14. “What do you call a hippo that’s always trying to impress others? A hippo-crite.”
15. “Why don’t hippos have pets? They’re too big to hippo-tize smaller animals.”
16. “What do you call a hippo that’s a hoarder? A hippo-crite.”
17. “Why was the hippo a bad chef? He couldn’t make any hippopotamizzles.”
18. “What do you call a hippo that’s a neat freak? A hipposweeper.”
19. “Why don’t hippos play soccer? They always get red card-iopatomuses.”
20. “What do you call a hippo that’s always singing? A hip-opera artist.”

Hip-pun-o-rific (Recursive Puns)

1. Why did the hippo break up with his girlfriend? He just wasn’t ready for a commitment to any-potamus.
2. Did you hear about the hippo who’s super into architecture? He really loves those columns.
3. What do you call a hippo that writes a memoir about his life? An auto-potamus.
4. Why did the hippo refuse to go on a date with the frog? He just wasn’t amphibi-ous.
5. What do you call a hippo that’s really good at math? An alge-bro.
6. Why did the hippo decide to become a Buddhist? He heard they were all about hip-pose and inner peace.
7. What do you call a hippo that’s constantly blowing his own horn? A hippo-crite.
8. Why did the hippo refuse to go to the dentist? He was afraid of the tooth-hippo.
9. What do you call a hippo that’s always at the gym? Fit-hippo.
10. Why did the hippo refuse to get a boating license? He didn’t want to be a hippo-krite.
11. What do you call a hippo that’s great at trivia? A hip-pop culture expert.
12. Why did the hippo refuse to watch the movie “Jaws”? He’s a total hypo-chondriac.
13. What do you call a hippo that’s always on a diet? A hippo-crit.
14. Why did the hippo refuse to play football? He didn’t want to be tackled by any-pigamous.
15. What do you call a hippo that’s always on the move? A hip-nomad.
16. Why did the hippo choose to be a lawyer? He knew how to hippo-thetically argue.
17. What do you call a hippo that’s always wearing a hat? A hipster.
18. Why did the hippo refuse to take part in the talent show? He couldn’t find his hip-potential.
19. What do you call a hippo who’s a professional wrestler? Hippo-man.
20. Why did the hippo refuse to attend the costume party? He didn’t want to see any-hippo-critical.

Hippo Hop: Puns on Clichés in the World of Hippos

1. Don’t be such a hippo-crite!
2. I’m feeling hippo-tastic today!
3. You need to hippo-potamize your work schedule.
4. That joke was hippo-potamostly funny.
5. You’re hippo-notizing me with your dance moves.
6. Don’t hippo-gize for being fabulous!
7. That’s hippo-critical of you to say.
8. I’m going to hippo-ventilate if I don’t get some fresh air soon.
9. He’s as hungry as a hippo-maniac.
10. She’s hippo-bably the smartest person in the room.
11. You’re hippo-ventilating over nothing.
12. I hip-hop-otamus we can be friends.
13. I was hippo-vated by the beautiful sunset.
14. You better hippo-lize that you’re wrong.
15. I can’t believe you’re hippo-crispy enough to lie to my face.
16. I’m too hippo-tized to keep up with this conversation.
17. I heard you’re a hippo-potamus trainer, how do you deal with their bad moods?
18. We need to hippo-dial the vet immediately.
19. He’s hippo-crite, he always gives out health advice but never follows it.
20. I hippo-notize myself with bubble baths after a long day.

In conclusion, we hope you had a roaring good time diving into the world of hippo puns! These magnificent beasts may be known for their size and strength, but they definitely also have a great sense of humor. If you’re thirsty for more pun-tastic fun, make sure to check out our website for more animal puns and jokes. Thank you for stopping by, and we hippo you have a great day!

Hippo Puns Unleashed: 200+ Hilarious and Witty Puns for Hippopotamus Lovers (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.