What Is Farmer’s Cheese, Actually? | Sporked (2024)

When I was in school, there were FFA kids. FFA was the Future Farmers of America. They were high school kids who would enter competitions to see who had the best cows and chickens and stuff. If I had known back then that these farmers had their own special cheese, I would have hung out with them. So, what is farmer’s cheese? What does farmer’s cheese taste like? How do you make farmer’s cheese? Let’s get to the bottom of these questions and find out if all farmers have cheese!

What is farmer’s cheese?

Okay, all farmers aren’t secretly hoarding a vast amount of cheese that only they and fellow farmers are allowed to enjoy. So what is farmers cheese, exactly? Farmer’s cheese is a soft, unripened cheese that was traditionally made in the farms of Eastern Europe and the Middle East. It was a quick and easy way for farmers to use up any leftover milk on the farm after they had taken the cream. Farmer’s cheese is an unripened cheese, meaning it’s fresh. A lot of cheeses are aged, which removes the moisture. Unripened cheese is eaten fresh so it contains a lot more moisture. Some other unripened cheeses are cottage cheese, cream cheese, and ricotta.

How do you make farmer’s cheese?

To make farmer’s cheese, start boiling some milk. Whole milk works best. Don’t use one percent. As the milk boils, add an acid like white vinegar or lemon juice, and stir. As you stir, the milk will start to coagulate and curdle and the liquid will turn yellowish. You can use rennet if you want, but it’s not required to make this particular cheese. Put those curds into a cheesecloth or sieve and squeeze the heck out of them. After that, if you still want to remove even more moisture, you can leave your cheese out with a heavy pot or pan pressed on it overnight, then refrigerate it in the morning. You now have some creamy farmer’s cheese to eat or spread on whatever you want.

What does farmer’s cheese taste like?

Farmer’s cheese tastes mild and creamy with a loose consistency. It’s sort of like a combination of cottage cheese and ricotta

Does farmer’s cheese melt?

Farmer’s cheese does not exactly melt, but it will get a little gooey. It’s like that ricotta you see in a baked lasagna: It’s hot and gooey but it still retains some of its crumbly texture.

What to do with farmer’s cheese?

Farmer’s cheese is great to eat as is, or used as a spread or as a filling. Throw it on a salad. Pour some honey and fruit over your farmer’s cheese and eat it for breakfast. In Eastern Europe, farmer’s cheese was traditionally used as a filling in rolls, crepes, and dumplings. Farmer’s cheese is often found in pierogies and blintzes. Substitute your farmer’s cheese in for ricotta in lasagna.

I keep farmer’s cheese in my pockets in case I get hungry while I’m on the go! That’s how I got my nickname: Farmer’s Cheese Pocket Guy Who’s Not Allowed On The Bus.

What Is Farmer’s Cheese, Actually? | Sporked (2024)


What Is Farmer’s Cheese, Actually? | Sporked? ›

Farmer's cheese is an unripened cheese, meaning it's fresh. A lot of cheeses are aged, which removes the moisture. Unripened cheese is eaten fresh so it contains a lot more moisture. Some other unripened cheeses are cottage cheese, cream cheese, and ricotta.

What is considered farmer's cheese? ›

What is farmer's cheese? Farmer's cheese, a fresh cheese variety, is a pressed cottage cheese that is slightly more acidic and has a firmer texture, thanks to a lower moisture content. Farmer's cheese can be made from the milk of cows, sheep, or goats and can be rolled in different herbs or seasonings for extra flavor.

What is farmers cheese compared to? ›

Farmer's cheese is a variant of cottage cheese, made by pressing the whey from the curds (compared to just draining). It tastes more acidic than cottage cheese and has a firmer texture due to its lower moisture content.

What is farmer's cheese good for? ›

Farmer cheese is an especially great addition to vegetarian fare as it can provide a powerful protein bump to a meatless meal, Langevin adds.
  • It's Good for Your Gut. ...
  • It Promotes Bone Health. ...
  • It's Low in Lactose. ...
  • It's Gluten-Free. ...
  • It's Versatile.
Jan 23, 2022

What is the closest thing to farmers cheese? ›

What's a good substitute for farmer's cheese? We've already mentioned that cottage cheese is a good alternative, but Indian paneer and ricotta work too. That said, certain Slavic recipes (like pierogis, blintzes, and vareniki) are simply not as authentic without it.

Why is it called farmer's cheese? ›

Farmer's cheese is a soft, unripened cheese that was traditionally made in the farms of Eastern Europe and the Middle East. It was a quick and easy way for farmers to use up any leftover milk on the farm after they had taken the cream. Farmer's cheese is an unripened cheese, meaning it's fresh.

What is another name for farmer cheese? ›

Also called twaróg, tvorog, or syr, among other names. Found in almost every Slavic, Baltic, and Germanic country. American-Style Farmer's Cheese. This is basically cottage cheese that has been pressed to remove water.

Is ricotta the same as farmer's cheese? ›

Cottage cheese and Farmer's cheese are casein cheeses produced from using an acid like vinegar, while ricotta is a whey cheese made from the leftover sweet whey after making rennet based cheeses.

Which is healthier, cottage cheese or farmers cheese? ›

Both Farmer Cheese and cottage cheese are equally good sources of protein. And while there is no difference in quality and amount, consuming the fermented variety could be easier on the stomach for some.

What is American farmer cheese? ›

American-style farmer cheese (also farmer's cheese or farmers' cheese) is pressed curds, an unripened cheese made by adding rennet and bacterial starter to coagulate and acidify milk.

What is the best way to eat farmers cheese? ›

Incredibly versatile, farmer cheese can be eaten with bread or crackers or crumbled on top of salads. It is commonly used to make cheese blintzes, makes amazing stuffed pasta, and adds a lot of flavor and texture to lasagna and casseroles. You can also use it in dips, parfaits, and desserts.

What does farmer's cheese taste like? ›

The taste is milder and a little tangier than cottage cheese. What I like about foods like kefir and farmer's cheese is that they are 99% lactose free. I'm somewhat sensitive to lactose, so a lot of it doesn't make me feel great (but tastes delicious).

Can I freeze farmers cheese? ›

A: We don't recommend freezing our cottage cheese, sour cream, buttermilk or yogurt, as the taste and texture may be adversely affected after it thaws. But our farmer cheese can be frozen up to 3 months successfully. Simply place it in a sealable freezer bag before freezing.

Is queso fresco like farmer's cheese? ›

Queso fresco was born as a humble farmers cheese—no complex cheese aging techniques here, just simple and delicious fresh cheese. Queso fresco quickly gained popularity in Mexico and abroad, and today it's one of the most popular cheeses used in a variety of Mexican dishes.

Does farmers cheese taste like cream cheese? ›

Draining the curds slowly in muslin bags keeps the texture moist, silky and smooth. Brought fully to room temperature, the cheese is airy on the tongue, not dense and sludgy like some cream cheese. The flavor reminds me of yogurt, sour cream and cottage cheese all at once, rich and lactic with an appealing tang.

What is Mexican farmers cheese? ›

Queso Fresco: The Farmer-Style Cheese

Queso fresco, which translates into “fresh cheese,” is a traditional Mexican cheese made from cow's milk or a combination of cow and goat milk. It's a mild cheese that's creamy and fresh, with a salty-sour tang.

Is farmer's cheese the same as dry cottage cheese? ›

A: Hi Jac, No the Farmers Cheese is not the same as dry curd cottage cheese. The Farmers is a mild, young cheese, similar in quality to a Monterey Jack. Many times the Farmers cheese actually squeaks, as do the curds, because it is a very young cheese.

What is a substitute for farmers cheese in pierogies? ›

Farmer's Cheese: You can substitute an equal amount of ricotta cheese for the farmer's cheese in the filling. Make the Dough by Hand: Whisk the flour and salt, then use a rubber spatula to incorporate the egg, yolk, oil, and water until a shaggy dough forms, then knead briefly to bring it together into a soft dough.


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