Whispers of the Grim (Mlp infection au) - Chapter 4 - Buggy_Pest (2024)

Chapter Text

In the elegant heart of Ponyville, where the Carousel Boutique stood as a beacon of creativity and fashion, Rarity dedicated herself to the pursuit of beauty. The rhythmic sound of her sewing machine echoed through the boutique, a melody of fabric and thread as she crafted her latest masterpiece.

Five years earlier, before the Grimmaw Plague cast its ominous shadow over Equestria, Rarity revealed in the artistic sanctuary of her boutique. The vibrant hues of fabrics, the sparkle of gemstones, and the allure of intricate designs consumed her every waking moment. The Carousel Boutique was not just a place of business; it was Rarity's haven, a reflection of her passion for haute couture.

On that fateful day, the air in Ponyville carried an unexpected chill. Rarity, engrossed in draping a luxurious fabric over her worktable, felt an unsettling shift in the atmosphere. The usual bustle of the town outside seemed hushed, as if a prelude to a storm she couldn't yet comprehend.

Sweetie Belle, Rarity's younger sister, entered the boutique with an air of urgency. Her eyes, wide with concern, betrayed the news she carried. "Rarity, something strange is happening in Ponyville. Ponies are acting... peculiar."

Rarity, momentarily distracted from her work, raised an elegant eyebrow. "Peculiar, darling? Whatever do you mean?"

Sweetie Belle hesitated, her voice a whisper. "It's like a strange thing happening- Ponies, they are sick- and, and they are hurting others, they look strange-."

Concern etched across Rarity's refined features as she pondered the implications. Rarity decided to stop her work and began to walk out of the Boutique with Sweetie Belle beside her. The usually pristine streets of Ponyville now bore the signs of chaos and confusion.

As they stepped out, Rarity's eyes widened at the unsettling sight – ponies running in panic, Twilight Sparkle casting protective spells, and the ominous presence of Grimmaw-infested creatures. The once-tranquil town had descended into a state of emergency.

In the midst of the disarray, Sweetie Belle clung to Rarity's side, her eyes reflecting the fear that gripped Ponyville. Rarity, despite the danger, couldn't let her sister be consumed by the Grimmaw Plague's horrors.

A Grimmaw-infested creature, its once-friendly features now twisted into a nightmarish visage, lunged toward Sweetie Belle. Instinct took over Rarity as she used her magic to reached for the closest object – a pair of sharp, gleaming scissors on a nearby table. Without a second thought, she hurled the scissors toward the approaching threat.

The metallic blades struck true, impaling the Grimmaw creature and causing it to let out a horrendous scream, the scream seemed to sound that of multiple ponies, it echoed through ponyville, as it’s black blood splattered onto rarity and sweetie bell, its tendrils falling onto the ground. The sudden and unexpected victory left Rarity breathless, the gravity of her actions sinking in, she killed a sick pony- she didn't realize what she was doing, she just killed a sick pony, her eyes moved around as she dropped the scissors, she looked at sweetiebell. Sweetie Belle stared wide-eyed at her sister, the black blood dripping from her face, a mixture of awe and trepidation in her gaze, though sweetie bell did look scared, she knew why..

Rarity, her poise momentarily shaken, gathered Sweetie Belle into a protective embrace. " I... I had to protect you. I couldn't bear to see any harm come to you. I- I didn't mean to-."

Sweetie Belle, still processing the harrowing encounter, nodded with a mixture of gratitude and fear. "I know, Rarity. But... is this what Ponyville has become?"

Rarity, gazing at the transformed town with a heavy heart, tightened her embrace around Sweetie Belle. "We must do what we can to help, dear. Even in the darkest times, there is still beauty to be found, and we shall be the ones to bring it forth."
She heard twilight say something, rarity couldn't make it out as the other ponies ran to where twilight was saying to go. Rarity was about to walk towards twilight when she saw infected ponies coming to attack them. “Did that scream call them?” sweetie belle whispered. Rarity instinct stooped in as she wrapped her tail around sweetie belle as she casted a protection spell around them

With a determined glint in her eyes, Rarity surveyed the chaos around her, her instincts as a protector and a creator intertwining. The elegant unicorn, once devoted to the pursuit of beauty, now found herself standing at the intersection of darkness and the resilient spark of hope. Rarity would cover sweetie belle's eyes with a fabric she had around her neck.

The beginning of the plague for rarity was a long time ago, now she served as a symbol of how beauty can shine throughout the darkness.

rarity was walking around the sweet apple Acres, her hoof silent as she walked, mostly because of the high gloves on her, it was to protect her hoofs just in case.
As she walked around, she was mostly counting the food they had left for storage. She was glad that some apple trees weren't infected, but they had to make another farm, which is harder to do so they tend to ration the food, since they have little of it with so many ponies around.

as she walked around she spotted a strange weed near the food, she used her magic to move away the creates as she walked closer towards the weed, the weed was pur black with red sharp thorns, 'this shouldn't be here' rarity thought as she used her magic to pull it out, she would wrap it in some fabric she had for twilight to study. unknown to her that's what had caused her infection. which spread fast onto her, faster than the others.

Rarity's elegant steps echoed through the orchards as she headed towards Twilight's castle, her senses heightened by the awareness of the Grimmaw Plague lurking within her. The fabric-wrapped weed she carried, unbeknownst to her, harbored the insidious source of her infection. The air around Rarity seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly energy, a testament to the delicate balance she maintained between her refined self and the encroaching darkness.

Upon reaching Twilight's castle, Rarity was greeted by the towering spires that once stood as a testament to magical prowess and camaraderie. Now, the castle served a different purpose—a hub for studying the Grimmaw Plague and seeking ways to counter its relentless advance. The barrier surrounding the castle hummed with a subtle yet powerful magic, providing a sanctuary for those seeking refuge.

As Rarity entered, the familiarity of Twilight's study greeted her. It was a room that had witnessed countless discussions, laughter, and shared moments of friendship. Now, it bore the weight of the Grimmaw Plague's presence, with scrolls, books, and magical artifacts scattered across the tables and shelves.

Twilight Sparkle, engrossed in her research and wearing a protective mask, looked up as Rarity entered. The weariness in Twilight's eyes mirrored the toll the Grimmaw Plague had taken on Equestria. Rarity, ever the epitome of poise, couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for burdening her friend with yet another challenge.

"Twilight, dear, I found something unusual near the food storage in Sweet Apple Acres. I thought it might be of interest," Rarity said, her tone composed despite the turmoil within her.

Twilight's eyes lit up with a spark of curiosity as Rarity unveiled the fabric-wrapped weed. The lavender alicorn levitated it for a closer inspection, her analytical mind already racing to decipher its properties.

"Interesting. We'll need to run some tests on this. Thank you, Rarity. Your keen eye might just be the key to understanding and combating the Grimmaw Plague," Twilight remarked, her gratitude evident in her tired but determined gaze.

As Rarity stood in Twilight's study, Rarity would use her magic to take of her back, her blue magic would flicker to red for a second, and then flickered off, she quickly caught the bag again, her magic was bugging out, but it was still there, rarity would look to the side some as she thought.

Twilight, sensing Rarity's distress, approached her with a comforting touch. "Rarity, we'll find a way to stop this. You've been a tremendous help. Now, let's focus on studying this specimen and—"

A sudden wave of dizziness swept over Rarity. The Grimmaw Plague within her seemed to pulse with an unsettling rhythm. She steadied herself, unwilling to show weakness in front of her friends, she breathed heavily, if she was infected it shouldn't be taking effect this early, it takes about a week for stage 1 to show.

"Of course, darling. I'm here to help in any way I can," Rarity replied, her smile concealing the internal struggle she faced.

The study session continued, the fabric-wrapped weed becoming a focal point in Twilight's research. Rarity, caught between her desire to contribute and the ever-growing infection, remained steadfast in her commitment to unravel the mysteries of the Grimmaw Plague.

Spike, the faithful dragon assistant, busied himself with fetching additional tomes and scrolls for Twilight. His green scales shimmered in the magical light of the study, and his determined expression mirrored the resolve of those fighting against the encroaching darkness.

As Twilight delved into her studies, Rarity's thoughts wandered to the friends she had lost, the once-vibrant Ponyville now a mere echo of its former self. The Grimmaw Plague, a relentless adversary, had transformed the landscape into a haunting tableau of shadows and uncertainty.

Rarity was feeling weak, her vision becoming a blurry mess at random, it was heard for her to breathe and look, these weren't even the symptoms of the grimmaw plague- she laid down as she used her weakening magic to brush her hair, her body was shaking some.

Amidst the ongoing study session, as Rarity's condition deteriorated, Spike keenly observed the subtle signs of her rapid infection. The faithful dragon, ever vigilant, had become attuned to the nuances of the Grimmaw Plague's progression.

A sudden wave of dizziness swept over Rarity, her elegant composure giving way to visible strain. The Grimmaw Plague within her seemed to pulse with an unsettling rhythm. She steadied herself, determined to conceal any weakness from her friends. Unbeknownst to Rarity, Spike's perceptive eyes had caught the telltale signs that defied the typical timeline of Grimmaw infections.

Spike, placing a stack of tomes on the table, shot Rarity a concerned glance. His reptilian instincts sensed that something was amiss, and he couldn't ignore the discrepancy between Rarity's symptoms and the expected progression of the Grimmaw Plague.

"Hey, Rarity, are you feeling alright?" Spike inquired, his tone laced with genuine concern. The dragon's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized Rarity, a growing unease settling within him.

Rarity, her smile strained, attempted to dismiss Spike's worry. "Oh, darling, it's just a minor spell-induced fatigue. Nothing to fret over."

Spike, however, wasn't easily swayed. His instincts, honed by years of companionship with Twilight and the trials they faced together, urged him to delve deeper into Rarity's well-being.

"I don't know, Rarity. This seems different. You're showing Some symptoms of stage 1," Spike remarked, his voice reflecting a mix of worry and determination. He had seen enough of the Grimmaw Plague's effects to recognize when something deviated from the expected course.

Rarity, caught off guard by Spike's astuteness, faltered for a moment. The dragon's perceptive gaze bore into her, and she realized that her attempts to conceal the truth were futile. The Grimmaw Plague, a mysterious force with its own rules, seemed to be working inside of her. “Please don't tell twilight- she shouldn’t handle this stress, just take me to where the others are-” rarity whispered to spike as she weakly stood up.

Spike, resolute in his concern for Rarity, turned to Twilight. "Twilight, something's not right. Rarity's showing symptoms." Spike would say, rarity's eyes showed a slight betrayal, but it was something she was proud of for Spike, Spike wasn't afraid to tell Twilight, and that was good for him, he had grown a lot in the 5 years.

Twilight, her focus momentarily shifting from the research, studied Rarity with a discerning gaze. The air in the room grew heavy with the weight of Rarity's undisclosed struggle, and the friends, bound by a shared determination, faced the unsettling truth that the Grimmaw Plague's mysteries were far from unraveled. twilight would create a shield around herself as she walked over to rarity.

Twilight, her lavender eyes filled with a mixture of concern and determination, approached Rarity with a gentle but firm expression. "Rarity, we need to get you to the Containment area. We can't take any chances, especially with the symptoms starting to show."

Rarity, despite her weakened state, nodded in agreement. "Yes, yes, darling. Let's not delay. Spike, I appreciate your vigilance, but we must act swiftly."

Spike, ever the loyal assistant, nodded back, understanding the urgency of the situation. "I'll go ahead and let the others know," he said, scurrying out of the study. Spike was immune so the infected tend to ignore him, so he was perfect to go and tell applejack and rainbow about it.

Twilight, her magic shimmering around her, created a protective shield around Rarity. The lavender glow enveloped them, providing a barrier against the unseen threat that lurked within Rarity's very being. With careful steps, they made their way through Twilight's castle, navigating the familiar halls that now echoed with the weight of the Grimmaw Plague.

The testing area, a chamber specially designed to study the infected ponies, loomed ahead. As they entered, Rarity could see the containment cages for the less infected ponies it was mostly a large room with glass windows and a feeding slot for those, each serving as a precautionary measure to understand and manage the mysterious plague.

“Here we are, Rarity," Twilight gentlysaid nudging the pony inside the room. Rarity sat in there, it was nice, though this was just for stage one victims, she never really saw the other stages' chambers, since stage one seems to not be able to infect like the other stages, so they can have visitors, though that is rare.

Rarity complied, settling into the designated area with a grace that belied her weakening state. Twilight, sat in front of the chambers as she stuck her hoof through the hole in it, rarity put her hoof on it, The room fell into a focused silence, interrupted only by the small chattering of the stage one infected ponies.

As Twilight laid there, reading her book, Rarity's thoughts drifted to the inevitability of her situation. The Grimmaw Plague, an adversary that defied understanding, had found its way into her, challenging the very essence of her elegance and resilience. In the sterile confines of the testing area, Rarity faced the unknown with a poise that spoke volumes of the strength within.
She smiled softly as she saw twilight's face focus on her journal, its been a few hours since Rarity was infected, Rarity honestly loved twilight, so it broke her to be infected.

Rarity's gaze lingered on Twilight, the pony she cherished more than anything in Equestria. The glass window between them created a separation, a barrier that mirrored the invisible force threatening to unravel their shared world. She sighed softly, her breath fogging up the transparent surface.

Twilight, engrossed in her studies, continued to read her book. The flickering candlelight cast a warm glow on her lavender coat, and Rarity couldn't help but marvel at the grace with which Twilight navigated the complexities of the Grimmaw Plague.

"Twilight," Rarity whispered, her voice barely audible through the containment chamber. Twilight looked up, her eyes meeting Rarity's with a mix of concern and love. Rarity's hoof pressed against the glass, a soft smile on her face.

"Rarity, we'll find a way to fix this. I promise," Twilight reassured, her voice carrying a weight of determination. She couldn't hide the anguish in her eyes, though, the thought of watching Rarity succumb to a fate that defied their understanding heart twilight, she didnt want to loos rarity, she lost to many ponies already.

A melancholic smile played on Rarity's lips. "Oh, Twilight. I know you'll do everything in your power to help me. But the Grimmaw Plague is unpredictable, and I fear what it might take from us."

Twilight's ears drooped, the reality of the situation settling heavily on her shoulders. She pressed her hoof against Rarity's, the touch warm but agonizingly distant. "We've faced challenges before, Rarity. Together. We'll face this one too."

As Rarity listened to Twilight's words, a single tear escaped her eye, tracing a path down her cheek. "I believe in us, Twilight. But I can't bear the thought of becoming something I'm not. Something that might hurt you."

Twilight's expression wavered, torn between the commitment to find a solution and the painful acknowledgment of Rarity's fears. The quiet room echoed with the unspoken truth—that even the strongest magic couldn't shield them from the harsh realities of the Grimmaw Plague.

"Rarity, no matter what happens, my love for you will endure," Twilight declared, her voice breaking with a vulnerability she rarely showed. The words hung in the air, a solemn vow that transcended the confines of the testing area.

The candlelight flickered, casting shadows that danced on Rarity's tear-streaked face. As they sat in the melancholy embrace of the chamber, Rarity and Twilight shared a love that defied the encroaching darkness, finding solace in the fragile moments they had left.
“Rarity, I will always love you no matter what. This infection is a setback, and I promise you, that no matter how you end up looking, I will still view you as the most beautiful unicorn I have ever seen..” Twilight would say pressing her head angst the barrier, a soft smile on her face.

Whispers of the Grim (Mlp infection au) - Chapter 4 - Buggy_Pest (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.